Friday, January 29, 2010

Disgusting or Cute?

I have always told Colin, the second we find a rodent in our house we will either move immediately or call an exterminator to "take care of" the problem. I can not physically handle the thought of sharing my home with vermin. This past week as I sat down to finally catch up on the biggest loser I saw something hopping on our wood floors. Paralyzed by fear I called to Colin to find out what sort of creature had welcomed itself into our house. Colin grabbed a pot scooped up the amphibian and flung him out the front door. This has since happened two other times this week.   Definitely disgusting.


Cathy said...

Lucky!! I have a feeling with a little boy that you will see lots of these visitors!! Prepare now to see the "joy" !!! (or not!!HAHA)

Annie said...

Gross and Funny! Love you and I'm glad your updating your blog!

Ms. Green Eyes said...

Did Ira see it? I'm sure he was tickled if he did!

beacon2 said...

You better find out how they are getting in and put a stop to them!!!